WWDC 2015 Videos
17 June, 2015
I've been hugely enjoying the videos from WWDC this year. The keynote was a bit of a mess, but the sessions I've seen since have more than made up for that.
The videos are available here. For me so far the ones about protocols, using structs in place of classes and on multitasking and cache management by the SpringBoard team have all been standouts. But I cannot wait to watch the others. Each and every one has given me something new to try or to think about in using Swift.
I wanted to check off what I'd seen and make a few notes about each session too, so I scraped the link text from the page. A quick & dirty script was called for, and while this script doesn't account for repeated links & could be improved in a hundred other ways I'm sure, it does the job. More Python. I know. Could get to become a habit.
~~Update 15 September 2018: I removed the embedded gist that was here, the gist of course is still available.~~
Update November 2023: Here it is again, as I leave Github:
""" Video name scraper for the 2015 WWDC videos """
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer
RESPONSE = requests.get('https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/')
SOUP = BeautifulSoup(RESPONSE.text, parse_only=SoupStrainer('a', href=True))
URL_PATTERN = re.compile('\\?id=[0-9]{3}')
for LINK in SOUP:
if re.match(URL_PATTERN, LINK['href']) and LINK.string: